Sometimes, it feels as though our society has placed a stigma on the idea of relaxation. If you’re relaxing, you’re not being productive, after all! The question though, is “is that really true?” Actually, it isn’t.
We’ve all been there. You’re tired. You’re frustrated, but you keep forging ahead anyway, marching through your busy schedule and trying to get everything done. The problem is that your mind and body both start to rebel at a certain point, and you start seeing diminishing returns. The harder to try to stay on task, the more you feel like you’re just spinning your wheels. That’s your cue to take a relaxation break!
Before you get up from your desk to take some much needed down time, it’s important to do a quick internal assessment to see what form of relaxation would actually be most beneficial to you. That matters, and if you properly pair a relaxation technique with the specific way you’re feeling, you’ll reap the maximum benefit, so that when you get back in the game, you feel refreshed and ready to go.
If you’re feeling tired, for instance, what you need is a quick pick-me-up in the form of a piece of fresh fruit. A little jolt of energy to get you through the rest of the day. On the other hand, if you’re wrestling with what seems like an intractable problem, a few minutes spent meditating, or taking the time to get away from your office and go for a short walk would be more helpful. If you’re facing multiple symptoms, say, both physically and mentally fatigued at the same time, then a short power nap is probably in order.
You don’t have to take a very long break, but you should definitely listen to your body when it starts sending signals like that. If you don’t, you’ll only wind up feeling more stressed out and being less productive, as you continue to struggle. Be good to yourself. Listen to your body and take a break when it tells you it needs one.