Juggling Can Be Great Exercise And Here’s Why

You may have been to the circus, a high school talent show, or somewhere else when you have seen someone juggling.

It is one of those things everyone wishes they could do, and only a handful of people decide to learn.

It is really good for the brain to operate on the left and right sides, and it can improve your coordination and reflexes by a good amount.

Did you know, though, that juggling can be great exercise? Find out why below!

  • Similar to walking, juggling can burn about the same amount of calories, coming in at 280 per hour.
  • Constant arm movement actually works out your upper body. Just like you use walking to work your legs, you can use juggling to work your arms and hands.
  • While you are juggling, you engage your core muscles to stay balanced.
  • After learning to juggle against a wall, you might walk forward and backward while you learn to stay in one place. If you don’t want to fall over, you will use your core to balance.
  • Juggling can lubricate your joints in your arms and shoulders and help keep them moving freely with less pain. It is also a great way to get coordination and strength in your hands.
  • Juggling is an easy thing to do anywhere. You only need to keep your 3 balls with you and you’ll always have the option to juggle to stay entertained or work out between tasks.
  • All age groups and body types can do it.
  • It is a low impact exercise that won’t over-use the knees or ankles as much as running, jumping, dancing, or sports can.

Not only is juggling a great option, but there are many other options for you to choose from that are similar. You may not find juggling very appealing, and that is totally fine. Check google and websites for information on other flow arts. You can find exercises including silk fans, poi, hula hoops, rope darts, and more. Make sure to look up the benefits and videos of each type, and choose the right one for you!

Modern Exercise Trends For 2020

If you have been wondering which exercise options are most popular now, keep reading.

Whether your fitness goals have been improved, halted, or decreased during the pandemic, the information below should help you get back on track.

In addition to exercising at home becoming obviously more popular, some new technology comes into play as well. Some of the trends for 2020 in fitness are listed below.

Free Weights

The first is specific free weight training. The difference between then and now is that the previously popular strength training trend was too broad. Free weight training only has a certain set of tools, including kettlebells, weights, dumbbells, medicine balls, and barbells. This is a good kind of exercise to do alone at home while social distancing. That is, if you have the money and space to buy and store the materials. The most important thing to know about this form of exercise is you must have correct form during each exercise for it to be effective.

Wearable Fitness Trackers

Wearable fitness trackers, smart watches, and more are making a big difference in modern workouts. Whether you’ve just started working out or are a fitness geek, wearable technology is a great way to find out about your health and results of your workouts. In fact, you may not know that many new smart phones come with a fitness tracker. The trouble with those is that you must have the phone on your body for it to track anything. That is why wearables are popular now. They can detect your heart rate and compare it to the rates of other people doing the workout you are doing. If you enjoy some competition, that feature is for you.

HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training)

It is no surprise that this is popular today. In only 30 minutes, you can get a thorough workout including cardio, strength, or a mix. It can be done by yourself or with a class. You can attend virtual classes or look up videos online. If a fitness facility wants to be successful, it is wise that they offer HIIT to keep their members happy.

Do one of these trends sound like a fun way to get in shape? You’ll be on your way to better health before you know it!

Five Myths About Chiropractic Healthcare

Are you one of the many people that are scared of going to the chiropractor? Is this type of healthcare too new for you to be comfortable with?

Hopefully, this article will help you feel better about choosing chiropractic care to help with your health.

The following five myths about chiropractors and what you should know are below:

1. You will be forced to go there three times per week all the time – This is a myth because when you have an urgent or severe issue, you do have to attend many times per week, but only at first. It will only take two to three weeks until you can start attending your appointments less frequently. Aftercare is only 2-4 times per month, and maintenance on the issue is even less frequent.

2. You will have too many X-Rays taken and it can be harmful – This is a myth because chiropractors are good at knowing physical structures without needing to use X-rays. Although at first, you will need to have X-rays taken to see where your bones are settled.

3. They will break or crack my bones and cause damage – The sounds you hear when people get adjustments by a chiropractor is actually not what you think. It is not cracking or breaking of bones or other parts of the body. It is actually the sounds of air getting into pockets between the bones or joints. It is harmless.

4. It hurts to get adjustments – The truth is that if you feel any pain at all, it is just a brief moment of pinching. Most adjustments don’t hurt in any way, and most of them feel good. You’ll actually be more likely to experience less pain while the adjustments do what they are supposed to do.

5. Chiropractors don’t take your insurance – This is also a myth. Most health insurance companies will cover it. As time goes on, more of them include it in their list of what they cover.

If the list above has you considering trying it, call your primary doctor today to ask about trying chiropractic care.

The Most Important Nutrients For Bone And Joint Health

Even if you aren’t concerned about the health of your joints and bones, there are plenty of nutritious foods that will set you up for success in the future.

There’s so many good reasons to eat healthy, and better bones and joints is just one of them.

This article will explain what nutrients and foods will help you improve or maintain the health of your bones and joints.

If you have joint or bone issues or want to prevent them, consider incorporating these nutrients into your diet:

Omega-3 Fatty Acids – for fighting inflammation and the benefit of improving heart health. Find this in walnuts, flax seeds, and fatty fish such as tuna, salmon, herring, and sardines.

Calcium – It not only helps with bone strength and health, it can also help blood circulation and muscle control. When we don’t eat or drink enough calcium, our bodies steal it from our bones and make them weaker, leading to osteoporosis. Find calcium in dairy products, almond milk, spinach, kale, and fortified cereals.

Vitamin D – It is calcium’s best friend because you need it to properly absorb calcium. You can get Vitamin D from sunlight, fatty fish, fortified juices, fortified milks, eggs, and some cereals.

Vitamin C – This vitamin helps with joints, immune system, and reduces risk of inflammatory arthritis. It is not recommended to take too much, but be sure to get enough. Find it in most fruits such as mangos, strawberries, oranges, pineapples, and grapefruit.

Anthocyanins – Antho what? These are antioxidants that lower markers of inflammation. They are found in red and purple fruits such as most types of berries and cherries.

Polyphenols – More antioxidants that help with joint inflammation and reduces breakdown of cartilage in the body. It also may help with fighting infections and improve bone strength. Find this in black, oolong, green, and white teas, and especially in powdered green tea leaves.

Diallyl Disulfide – Yet another strange one to name. This might fight off enzymes that damage cartilage. It may help prevent osteoarthritis. Find this in garlic, leeks, and onions.

These foods and nutrients can help you be much healthier overall, so it pays to seek them out and eat them regularly. Your bones, joints, and body will thank you.

The 10 Most Common Health Issues To Avoid

Being healthy can be a lot of work, right? There is so much to remember, and it might seem overwhelming sometimes.

That is especially if you have a few underlying health conditions making life harder and more stressful to manage.

In addition to your normal chiropractic routine, consider these 10 issues for a more well-rounded healthcare plan.

The 10 Most Common Health Problems Are:

  • Inactivity and poor nutrition
  • Obesity and excess weight
  • Use of Tobacco Abuse of substances (drugs, alcohol)
  • HIV/AIDS infections
  • Mental health (depression, anxiety, and more)
  • Violence and general injuries
  • Poor environmental conditions (water, air, or land pollution)
  • Lack of immunizations against diseases and viruses
  • Inability to access or afford healthcare

The good news:

You can prevent or greatly reduce the main issues above by choosing healthy foods more often, being more active, avoiding tobacco use, choosing not to abuse drugs and alcohol, and being mindful of your choices. Practice safe sex, get mental health screenings, avoid injuries and violence if possible, filter your air and water if possible, get immunizations, and find out how you can get free or cheap healthcare for you and your family.

According to the University of Rochester Medical Center:

“Staying physically active can help prevent or delay certain diseases, including some cancers, heart disease and diabetes, and also relieve depression and improve mood.”


“Being overweight or obese increases your chances of dying from hypertension, type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, stroke, gallbladder disease, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea, respiratory problems, dyslipidemia and endometrial, breast, prostate, and colon cancers.”

If you can just try to eat right, exercise, and stay at a healthy weight, you can avoid a plethora of health problems. Stay healthy, be happy!