Eating Habits For Good Health And Happiness

When it comes down to it, eating healthy is much harder than it seems. Whether you struggle with self-discipline or you have a poor appetite for healthy foods, there are ways to make it easier. This article includes some good tips on how to help yourself eat better. When you eat better, you feel better.

1. Drink Water – If you can make it a habit to drink one glass of water as soon as you wake up, it will benefit you in many ways. First, it helps your digestive system start the day right and make it easier to digest food for the rest of the day. Second, it helps hydrate you inside and out, including your skin. If your skin is dry, it can cause itchiness, irritation, and unattractive flakes. Third, water helps your muscles prepare for whatever your day includes.

2. Half Vegetable Plate – As often as possible, cover your lunch or dinner plate halfway full of vegetables, which can include some fruit. Not only are you going to eat more nutrients, but they will help you feel full for longer, and will aid the digestion of your other meal components. This will also help you avoid illness or problems related to nutrient deficiencies.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar – It has often been referred to as curing everything. It doesn’t cure everything, but it sure does help. The best kind you can get is raw, unfiltered, and organic. All you need is one teaspoon per glass of water. If you don’t want to drink that much, dilute it as much as you want with water and drink it that way. The benefits include reducing inflammation, reducing bloating, aid digestion, boost the immune system, level out blood sugars, and more.

4. Frozen Is Better Than None – If you simply can’t seem to find fruits and vegetables at the grocery store that will last long enough to be eaten, get frozen. Fill your freezer with every kind of vegetable, fruit and healthy stuff as you can. Choose low carb TV dinners or make yourself a fruit smoothie with frozen fruit or vegetables and some juice. Not everyone has the time or energy to clean, dry, cut, and cook fresh vegetables every day. Give yourself a break.

Hopefully these ideas will help boost your health and well being. The healthier you eat, the better you are going to feel. When you think about quitting healthy foods, think about why you started.

The Difference Between Health And Wellness

Most people go through life thinking that health and wellness are the same thing with the same overall purpose. However, the difference between them is somewhat shocking. To learn about this is sure to raise your awareness of how you are doing with your health and wellness.

Read the list below to see why it is important to know what it means to have health vs. wellness.


The definition and main point of health is to be mostly fine and functioning despite the existence of any health issues, injuries, illnesses, diseases, and more. Someone with a few health problems can actually be considered healthy, if the problems aren’t affecting their lives or feelings of well being. You can be a healthy person with unhealthy habits. You can be a healthy person even if you don’t frequently eat right or exercise. It can just be a thing of luck. If you have a good social life, you feel good mentally, and you feel fine physically, you are healthy.


Now, the big difference is that wellness shows you are really trying. Wellness means you are doing the best you can and pursuing your top potential. You make good choices, you pay close attention to your body, and you get treatment for your health problems that make you feel better. Those who can say they are well are those who are actively trying to be well. If you are constantly eating bad foods, avoiding exercise, and avoiding healthy activities, you are not well. However, you may still be in luck and healthy. “Wellness is also comprised of eight different components, including emotional, environmental, financial, intellectual, occupational, physical, social, and spiritual wellness.”

So, now that you know they are different, there should be a much more clear picture in your head of how you are doing. Are you just sliding by, hoping to stay lucky and healthy? Or are you going to actively treat your mind and body to good choices that will benefit you in the present and future?
Try thinking about your daily life and making some lists of the things you would like to do to achieve wellness.

How To Reduce Stress And Improve Your Health

Let’s face it, life is stressful, and there’s not much you can do about that. However, you may be surprised to know that you can avoid, reduce and treat the stress that you go through. Some of the most basic tips are exercising, taking some time for yourself, getting enough sleep, and so on.

This article will uncover some secrets for getting through the tough times in life, and include extra details you can use to help yourself.

4 Tips For Handling Stress:

1. Exercise – You do know a bit about why this helps. It releases endorphins and all that. However, did you know you can trick your mind and body into thinking it is doing better and resolving issues? When you are working out, your mind and body has to come together to focus on your workout. It gives stress the boot out of your head while it serves a function to workout. Then, you can enjoy keeping your mind off the problems while you get the endorphins from exercising. At the end of your workout, you should have an easier time processing your troubles.

2. Keep Lists, Calendars, and Organizers – It isn’t fair to your brain to have to perfectly remember every detail of your daily life. That is especially if you’re trying to remember everything you have to do plus everything your kids and family members have to do. Use your electronic devices to set reminders and timers, such as Alexa or Siri. Get a daily planner and calendar. Write everything down. Keep notebooks and pens near the areas you spend the most time, so you can quickly note what you must remember.

3. Help Others – If you are kind, supportive and loving to other people, you don’t have to spend any time stressing about how bad you feel or stressing about apologizing. Being ashamed of your mean or angry behavior will stress anyone out to their breaking point. When you want to react to something, think of how much the people will hurt and how much your future self is going to suffer. Get the help you need so that those who are close to you can trust you.

4. Spend Time Alone – As much as you may love those in your life, everyone needs to be alone sometimes. It is also important to know when to give your loved ones time to themselves. It is a simple human experience to need time to process your life, your thoughts, and your feelings. If there’s always people around you taking time and energy from you, you will struggle to live a healthy life. This can cause physical and mental health issues. Make sure to work out some alone time as often as possible.

These tips on lifestyle and habits should help you greatly reduce, treat, and prevent stress. One of the best things you can do to stay healthy is to have a good plan to work through what bothers you.

Eat These Foods To Keep You Warm This Winter

Whether you have to spend time outdoors for your job, you like to be outdoors in winter, or you have to walk to work, it is a lot more tolerable when you feel warm.

You can wear nice socks, boots, thick pants, and a nice warm coat and hat. However, you may still feel like you need to be warmer.

Did you know that certain foods will help your body sustain warmer temperatures? Megan Hall is a licensed and registered dietitian. This article will include her recommendations on what foods will help you stay warm this winter.

Megan says “In general, foods that take longer to digest can help raise your body temperature and make you feel warmer. The medical term for this process is thermogenesis, which is the process of your body producing heat caused by food metabolizing. Look for food that’s high in healthy fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Many of these foods are more complex and take longer to digest.”

Foods For Warmth:

1. Fruits and Vegetables – The best options are bananas, sweet potatoes, ginger and butternut squash. Bananas have Vitamin B and magnesium which help keep your thyroid gland and adrenal glands healthy, which will keep you warmer. Ginger is good for digestive health and stimulates thermogenesis (as mentioned above), as well as being a diaphoretic when drank as a hot tea, which means warms you from the inside out.

2. Drinks – coffee or tea help because of the caffeine and because you can drink them hot and raise your temperature from the inside. If you are sensitive to caffeine, just drink decaf tea or coffee and drink an extra cup of it hot. Also, drinking plenty of water keeps your body running as it should and help keep you warm. You must avoid alcohol in order to stay warm. Although it feels like you get warmer when you drink, the reality is your body temperature goes down.

3. Others – Red meat and Oats are two other great options. Oats have whole grains and fiber. Red meats such as lamb, beef, and some cuts of pork are packed with Iron and B12. Those with low iron or B12 in their blood are often very cold and can’t maintain body temperatures well.

Keep these foods in mind when you spend time in cold temperatures this winter.