Quick Tips For A Healthy Mouth And Teeth

Sadly, most people don’t find time or money to visit a dentist and care for their teeth and mouth.

Many people in this country wait until something really painful or scary happens before they attempt to spend money on their teeth.

Due to the scarcity of proper and affordable dental insurance, many people are left to suffer or get sick from infections because of their poor dental health. Whether they treated their teeth badly for years, or they have a genetic condition that makes their teeth bad, people deserve better.

This article provides some basic tips on how to care for your own dental health and (hopefully) avoid needing a dentist.

1. Drink water as often as possible. Sugary drinks are not good for your teeth, and acidic carbonated beverages are even worse for your teeth. It may make a significant difference to just cut back on beverages that wear off your enamel or cause other issues. Water is great for your teeth.

2. Brush your teeth more often when you eat or drink things that have lots of sugar or acid. You can reduce the damage from bad choices if you take the short time to stop and go brush your teeth. If you eat something that sticks to your teeth, take extra care and time to be sure you get it all out. Always brush your teeth at least once, if not multiple times per day. If you have healthy strong teeth and don’t eat sugar or acidic foods often, you may be able to just brush them once per day. Take your time, don’t miss any spots, and floss whenever you can.

3. Using a mouth rinse or mouth wash is a good idea. There are antimicrobial options available that have been proven to cut back on plaque. Rinsing with these after eating or brushing will help prevent cavities. Beware that using mouthwash too often can cause issues as well. Try to limit your use of them, and don’t skip brushing your teeth and just use mouth wash. That’s not going to help anything but the smell.

4. If you have a family history of dental issues, really think about why. Were your family members bad at dental hygiene? Did they eat and drink the foods that might have caused the problems? Did they smoke cigarettes, drink soda all day, choose not to brush often, and more? Sometimes, family history is a sign of bad family choices. If you take good care of your teeth, you may break the family curse of bad teeth. Do not give up on your mouth and teeth if you have a chance.

5. If you must see a dentist, don’t worry. There are some affordable options out there. You may qualify for free dental insurance through your state if you have low income or if you are disabled. Ask around, search the internet, and don’t give up trying. Some dental places are more affordable than others.

Even if your family does have an unfair history of weak teeth regardless of their choices, do not give up on your teeth. There are many things you can do to reduce the damage. However, this particular advice requires that you do see a dentist as often as you can. They can give you treatments and sealants that can keep your teeth strong for longer. Do what you can and keep smiling!

5 Safety Tips For July 4th Celebrations

Oh what a fun time it is to celebrate Independence Day!

If you enjoy summer, grilling, parties, and fireworks, it may be your favorite day of the year! Considering that many people will be overheated and drinking alcoholic beverages, sometimes accidents can happen.

Here are 5 tips for avoiding any injuries or issues during your fun celebrations of the U.S.A.

Sports injuries – It is a good time of year for family sports such as badminton, football, Frisbee, corn hole, and more. These activities are usually safe, but beware of any possible injuries. Have your family wear good footwear that will give them the right support and protection. Avoid playing on uneven, bumpy ground. Keep your grass cut short, and keep your yard clear of other things you can trip over. Play smart and you’ll have more fun.

Slipping on wet surfaces – Swimming pool decks or wet grass can be very slippery. You may notice at public pools you are not allowed to run. If anyone runs on wet surfaces, they can get severely injured. In worst cases, slipping, hitting your head, falling into the water and drowning are possible. Always tell your family not to run on any wet surfaces. Even wet grass or mud can cause injuries.

Grilling accidents – Although rare, they do happen. Keep the propane turned off until you need to use the grill. Watch it carefully, and don’t let small children touch it. Grease fires are common with grills, so it is crucial you keep your grill clean as often as you can. Not only is it safer, but your food will taste better if it doesn’t catch on fire!

Fireworks accidents – These are the most common and dangerous accidents that can happen. Kids can still get burned by sparklers, even if it seems harmless. Many people have lost their entire hand or arm to bad choices with fireworks. Those that get the worst injuries are often drunk on alcohol or under the influence of some kind of drugs. Do not let drunk or intoxicated people near your fireworks this year.

Boating accidents – Boats can be fun, and many families like to use them for July 4th. If you must drive a boat, first take a boating safety course. Be sure not to drink much alcohol, and ask everyone on board to wear a life jacket. Figure out and practice how to call for help in the case of an accident. Do not allow people on your boat to stand up or do silly things while the boat is going fast.

With these things in mind, have a very safe and enjoyable July 4th this summer!

Ways To Keep Kids Safe And Healthy This Summer

Right now is most kids’ favorite time of year!

School will be out soon, there will be plenty of things to do outdoors, and it is time to hang out with friends! Family trips to swimming pools and more will keep everyone busy.

Keep in mind that summer can be a dangerous time as well. Sun burns, outdoor injuries, heat sickness, dehydration and more can happen to anyone. Here are some tips for keeping your kids and your whole family more safe and healthy this summer. These are not all of the tips you should know, but this covers many of them.

Sun burns – Don’t forget to prepare for sun exposure. Whether you use sunscreen or not, it is very important to pay attention to how much time is being spent in direct sunlight.

One good tip is to keep a close eye on the UV index for each day. You can find this information on weather apps and weather websites. Anything over 6 is high. Anything over 7 is very high and anything over 10 is extreme UV sunlight. If you need to be out in the sun, try to go out on days with a UV index below 6.

Always have shade options available for your family. In addition, be sure that everyone has a good hat or good sunglasses to protect their eyes from UV damage.

Outdoor injuries – If you like to take your family out on adventures in the woods, be aware of any falls, trips or knee scrapes they might get. Avoid trails that are too difficult for kids. Take them out on well maintained trails. Keep a close eye out for snakes, bears, or other dangerous animals.

Heat sickness – Sometimes your best intentions won’t be enough to beat the heat. Even if you stay hydrated and out of the sun, the heat can still get to you and your family. Try to keep ice packs handy, and invest in some cooling tools such as portable fans. Encourage playing in a sprinkler or other water based activities to keep everyone cooler and more comfortable. Spend plenty of time indoors while using air conditioning to cool off quicker.

Dehydration – Sometimes we can get so busy that we think we are drinking enough water but we actually aren’t. Take more than enough water with you when you go anywhere. Take frequent breaks to drink water and rest for a few minutes.

Getting hit by cars – It is very important to teach your kids to stay out of the road at all times. Do not let your kids play with balls near a road. Do not allow your kids to chase after balls in the road. Do not leave your children unsupervised near roads. Do not allow kids to watch over small animals near a road or chase animals into a road. Use common sense and everything should work out!

Drowning in pools – For avoiding drowning during swimming, it is most important to keep watching your kids the entire time they are in the water. Ideally, you should be in the water with small children to save them much faster if they go under. Make sure your kids know how to swim very well before allowing them to swim without you.

Getting bit by bugs – It is critical that you try to prevent Lyme disease or infections of bug bites. Avoid being around bugs that can hurt your family. Use bug spray and repellents whenever possible. Do not let your kids play in tall grass where ticks live. Make sure your kids get their bug bites treated if they look swollen or feel hard and hot to the touch.

Getting hit by storms – High winds, lightning, and tornadoes are no joke. Watch the weather forecast whenever possible. If your kids are outside playing somewhere you are not with them, make sure there aren’t any storms coming. Teach them to come home quickly if they hear thunder, see lightning, or hear any tornado sirens.

Well, there you have it! Hopefully these suggestions will remind you about ways you can prevent any issues this summer. Get out there and enjoy it!

Ten Interesting Facts About Lungs And Breathing

Most people don’t spend much time pondering about their lungs and breathing. Although it would be much better if everyone paid closer attention to it.

Taking time to breathe properly every day can greatly reduce stress and anxiety.

Continue reading to learn 10 more fun facts about your lungs and breathing.

1. The right lung is larger than the left lung to make more room for the heart. I bet you always pictured them being exactly the same on both sides.
2. We only use a small amount of oxygen in the air. Normal outdoor air has just 21 percent oxygen, but we only use about 5 percent of it. The rest of it just gets exhaled.
3. You can get rid of 70 percent of waste just by breathing. The waste product is mostly carbon dioxide (CO2) that the lungs draw from the body and gets rid of when you exhale. In addition to waste, we lose a significant amount of water when we breathe out. Humans lose about 1.18 ounces of water every two hours with normal breathing.
4. Your sinuses regulate the humidity levels and temperature of the air that you breathe.
5. Your lungs shrink in size as you get older, making it harder to breathe.
6. Regular exercise keeps your lungs healthy.
7. Women and children breathe faster than men do.
8. Some people can hold their breath for a very long time. If they practice a specific hyperventilation method before going under, they can increase their oxygen levels and decrease their carbon dioxide levels so much that they can hold their breath for 20 minutes!
9. You can live with just one lung. If you get hurt and one of your lungs is injured, you can survive on your other lung until you can get urgent medical help. If you get lung cancer, you can get one removed and live with the other lung!
10. The lungs produce blood cells. Also, the lungs get as much blood pumped to them as the rest of the body gets! It takes half of your body’s blood to keep the lungs functioning!

There you have it, ten very interesting facts about lungs and breathing. Perhaps now when you are inhaling and exhaling during your daily life, you might consider some of these fun facts. Share these with your friends and family, and see how many of these facts they already knew.