Maintaining Health And Wellness During The Fall Season

The fall season can be difficult and busy. With the days getting shorter and the temperatures starting to drop it can be hard to get everything done that you need to do. The kids need rides to and from their sports, dance, and other important practices.

There is so much to do with even less time to do it now that the sun isn’t out as long. In addition to the stress that you feel, the fall season can bring many viruses like colds, the flu, and more. These things can slow you down even more. This article includes some tips on how to stay healthy and work on your wellness during the transition to Winter.

10 Tips for health and wellness in the fall:

  1. Supplement the Vitamin D you were getting from the sun this summer. If you don’t usually get out in the sun, take extra care to get Vitamin D in your diet. If you don’t feel well, ask your doctor to test you for a deficiency in Vitamin D.
  2. Get a yearly checkup at the doctor and consider getting the flu shot. Get on allergy medication if you have allergies in the fall season. Ask your doctor what you can do to keep your allergies under control.
  3. Support your immune system with getting plenty of rest, drinking lots of water, installing an air purifier in your home, washing your hands, and eating fruits and vegetables.
  4. Prepare for earlier darkness with daylight savings time by getting up earlier and going to bed sooner. The more sunlight you can see, the better.
  5. Dress for the weather by getting out your fall and winter clothing and putting away your summer clothes. Do yourself a favor and organize it all in an easy to use format.
  6. Change your produce choices based on what is in season. Instead of relying on summer fruits and vegetables, buy the new fall foods that are in season. Some examples are pumpkin, apples, broccoli, squash, and eggplant.
  7. Stay active as often as you can. Get up and move even if you don’t feel like it. Seasonal depression can be much harder and more stubborn if you aren’t able to get moving.
  8. Clean your home so that you have a clean space to spend time in before winter. You don’t want to be stuck in a house full of summer beach sand, dust, dirt, pet hair, or other things. Also be sure to change your furnace filter as often as you can.
  9. Get outdoors and enjoy the beautiful colors of the leaves. If you enjoy photography and hiking, this time of year might be your favorite. Dress in layers so that you aren’t too warm or too cold.
  10. Get excited about Halloween and other upcoming holidays. One of the best ways to stay happy is to get excited about things as often as you can. Make some decorations, or buy some at the store to put in your home.

In conclusion, the fall can be a very fun and magical time. These tips will surely help you get the most out of this beautiful season.

Avoiding Injuries From Too Much Screen Time

About 83 percent of American adults own and use cell phones regularly. Three quarters of those adults send and get text messages. Of those users, they send or receive about 41 text messages per day. Even for those people who do not text often, their screen time can still be high. They may still spend many hours every day looking down at their phones.

Doing more tasks on smaller devices can cause us pain or injury. Some of these include writing an email, sending and reading texts, watching videos, reading posts and articles, watching or reading the news, scrolling through social media, or playing games. Whatever you spend time doing on your phone, it causes what is called “text neck”.

Text Neck is caused by people using poor posture and looking down with their neck at their phone or device. Typically, people hunch over, droop their head, and round their shoulders while using their phones.

How to avoid this:

  • Bring your phone to a higher level so that you don’t have to look down or hunch over to see it
  • Sit up straight, put your shoulders back, and put your chest out more.
  • Tuck your chin into your chest rather than dropping your head down and forward.
  • If you must text long messages or emails, try using an external keyboard.
  • Avoid using your phone in direct sunlight. This strains the eyes and causes bad posture.
  • Take frequent breaks from your phone to stretch, exercise, and relax your body.

In addition to this, it is wise to use good posture and make good choices when using a desktop or laptop computer. Imagine looking down at a laptop on your lap for hours, or sitting at a computer desk with poor posture for hours every day. It is wise to use good posture and be aware of it whenever you are able to. Sit in a good and supportive chair. Use a desk and good posture when using a laptop.

Above all else mentioned above it is best to just limit how much you use your phone altogether. If this isn’t possible due to work or other things, use the tips in the above list to reduce the chance of injury and pain.

Chiropractic Care Tips For Spinal Health

If you’ve ever had a back problem or spinal injury, you know just how important it is to have a healthy back or spine. A healthy back allows us to live our lives normally and do fun things such as jump, dance, and run. You can play with your kids or your pets, and you can do most things.

If this sounds good to you, keep reading to learn how to keep your back and spine healthy.

How To Keep The Spine Healthy:

  • Get Regular Exercise – If you aren’t in good shape and your spine isn’t used to movement, this makes it much easier to injure your spine.
  • Work on your Core Strength – Most people don’t realize how important the core is for back health. The core supports your spine, and a weak core cannot support the back very well. Your core also includes your middle and lower back.
  • Be Mindful of your Posture – Poor posture is a main reason people get back problems and spinal issues. As often as possible, sit up straight with your shoulders back and chest out. Get up and stretch often when working at a computer or desk.
  • Sleeping Support – Make sure you have a good mattress and pillow. If you sleep on your back, it is helpful to put a pillow under your knees to support the lower spine. If you sleep on your side, it helps to put a pillow between your knees.
  • Shoe Support – Your feet support the whole body when you walk or stand, so make sure your feet are being supported in your shoes. If you have a high arch it is important to have arch support. Consider insoles at your next convenience.
  • Proper Standing – Keep your knees slightly bent when standing. Shift your weight once in a while from your heels to your toes, from your left leg to your right, and just moving around in ways it feels comfortable. Engage your core to support the back.
  • Reach and Bend Carefully – To pick something heavy up, bend at the knees, keep your back straight, and squat down. Then lift keeping your back straight and using your legs to bear the weight. Engage your core while lifting.
  • Don’t Ignore Pain – If something hurts, don’t do it. Even a small, dull pain can mean something big. See a doctor or chiropractor if your back hurts.

Keep all of these tips in mind in your every day lives. No one can afford to lose the use of their back.

In conclusion, keep yourself happy, healthy, and pain free by using the tips in this article.